"The Magic of Shakespeare"
taught at SVC by GregRobin Smith - May 20, 22, & 29. 5-7 PM
Managing Director
The Washington Shakespearean Festival
The works of Shakespeare possess a lasting appeal
that seems akin to magic.
In fact, modern literature begins with Shakespeare.
How and why do the plays and sonnets have such power?
Instead of just studying individual works, we'll examine the times,
the playwright's life, and, most importantly, the literary tools and techniques
this wizard used. This class will consider the how and why
of the construction of the plays, their patterns, and popularity.
We will discuss the rise of England's importance during this
Golden Age, and the increasing power of the English language
and culture in world trade, religion, and politics.
We will try our hand at iambic pentameter
(the great building block of Shakespearean language)
and do a bit of staging to understand how the physical
aspects of Elizabethan theater venues influenced the writing of the plays.
Item Number: 41940 Fee: $100.00
Instructor: GregRobin Smith
Dates: 5/20/2024 - 5/29/2024 Times: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Sessions: 3 Days: M W